Customer Success with Social Edge Consulting


Are you a community manager looking for an easy and visual way to display blog posts in your community? Our Blog Tile might be for you!

With the Blog Tile, you can bring your community's blog posts to life with previews of the entire post as well as accompanying images -- all without having to update any HTML. Add your own custom fonts, easily customize the tile to meet your brand requirements, and choose from two different unique layouts. The Blog Tile can be added to your homepage as well as any place landing page.  

Kim England, Global Community Director at Pearson, recently praised the Blog Tile in her blog post, Transform your community with JUST one tile

Here at Pearson we felt it was time to shake things up in our Neo community. And the shake up came in the shape of this beautiful tile from the team at Social Edge Consulting.
We're talking about the The Blog Tile and we implemented it into Neo just last week. It is fair to say I'm in LOVE. I'm also a little embarrassed to say that I spent my Friday night putting it into as many places on Neo as I was allowed (surprisingly few as I don't community manager as many places as I used to) but enough to show you some wonderful examples of it in action.
 Firstly we've added it to our homepage. Pearson has a massive blog culture, all our Execs, SVPs and VP's blog as part of their communication and engagement strategy. But displaying our senior teams content was only possible using the superlist tile and even then it only showed the title of the blog. We now have all of our execs listed in the blog tile and we can choose to display the image from the blog or their profile photo.

Check out the full post for more information and screenshots of how the Blog Tile is being used in Pearon's Neo Community! 

If you have questions about the Blog Tile or would like to schedule a demo of the configuration panel, please email us at