A New Year's Resolution all Community Managers can stick to in 2018

Amara Lennon

At the start of a new year, people tend to create resolutions for themselves, generally focused on things they want to do more, or less, of going forward.  From new exercise regimens to kicking bad habits, these resolutions are typically focused on accomplishing new goals and overall self-improvement, providing a clean state to kick start their year. But why stop there? 


Whether you’re a believer of the “new year, new me” philosophy or not, here is one easy resolution that community managers can make (and stick to!) in 2018.


Recognize + reward the advocates and power users in your community.


If you don’t know who your advocates, influencers, and community cheerleaders are, now is a good time to for you to find out. These are the people in your community who make an impact on other members, going above and beyond the participation status quo.


If you’re an external community manager, look for the members who are answering other user’s questions (despite whether the answers are right or wrong – they’re trying!) and providing product feedback, suggesting ideas for improvement, or blogging about a feature they love. Comment on their threads, let them know that their contributions are being recognized and are appreciated so that they will continue to participate.


Internal community managers can identify their advocates as those who blog regularly, or have created internal groups for their team to work together on projects. Let these members know they’re appreciated by featuring them in a community spotlight, which not only rewards them, but is also a way to showcase how they’re using the platform in unique ways that others may look to adopt as well.


While this resolution may seem obvious to many seasoned community managers, it often falls to the wayside as communities mature. Once your community has demonstrated a track record of steady activity, you might not spend as much time recognizing the members who were so important at the start. Mature communities should continue to recognize their advocates, regardless of how active their community is and how many total members it boasts. A little thanks goes a long way!


If you’re a community manager, share your community resolutions for 2018 in the comments below!