Microsoft SharePoint Design: Classic vs. Modern Layouts

John Scully

Microsoft SharePoint is a popular platform and one of many intranet collaboration tools businesses use to manage and share information. One of the key decisions when setting up a SharePoint site is choosing between the classic and modern layout designs. In this post, we'll explore the differences between these two designs and help you decide which one is right for your business.

Classic Layout

The classic layout is the original design of SharePoint and has been around for many years. This layout is familiar to many users and provides a range of customization options. With the classic layout, users can add custom master pages and themes to create a unique look and feel for their site. However, customization can also be time-consuming and require technical expertise.

Modern Layout

The modern layout is a newer design option for SharePoint sites. It provides a more streamlined and responsive user experience, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. The modern layout is optimized for mobile devices and provides a range of pre-built web parts, making it easier to create pages and content. However, the modern layout has limited customization options, and some features available in the classic layout are not available in the modern layout.

SharePoint Classic and Modern Lists and Libraries

Choosing the Right Layout for Your Business

When deciding between the classic and modern layout, it's important to consider your business needs and goals. Here are a few key factors to consider:

  • User Experience: The modern layout provides a more streamlined and responsive user experience, while the classic layout provides greater customization options. Consider which layout will provide the best experience for your users.
  • Time and Resources: The classic layout requires more time and technical expertise to customize, while the modern layout provides pre-built web parts and is easier to set up. Consider how much time and resources your business has to invest in site customization.
  • Administration: The differences between classic and modern layouts extend to SharePoint administration as well. Classic SharePoint administration involves managing and configuring SharePoint using Central Administration and PowerShell, while modern SharePoint administration relies more on the SharePoint Admin Center and Office 365 tools.
  • Compatibility: Some features available in the classic layout may not be available in the modern layout, and vice versa. Consider which layout is more compatible with the tools and applications your business uses.

SharePoint Layout

SharePoint Business Tip: Enhance your SharePoint setup with our Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Intranet Package. This package simplifies intranet management through pre-configured solutions and expert guidance. It includes effective site architecture, visually appealing page templates, custom web parts, and seamless integration with Teams. Optimize the capabilities of SharePoint and Microsoft 365 without the complexities and costs of third-party tools, improving your overall business experience.

‍For more SharePoint tips and tricks, check out our list of 10 things you can do with SharePoint.

Sharepoint Modern vs Classic: Which is Best for My Business?

In summary, when deciding between the classic and modern layout for your SharePoint site, it's important to consider your business needs and goals. The classic layout provides greater customization options but requires more time and technical expertise, while the modern layout is easier to set up but has limited customization options. By considering factors such as user experience, time and resources, and compatibility, you can choose the layout that is best for your business.

Need Microsoft SharePoint Consulting Services or Design Support?

If you're looking for expert guidance on optimizing your SharePoint setup, Social Edge Consulting can help. We are a leading provider of digital workplace solutions, specializing in intranet and online community design, development, and management. Our team helps businesses enhance collaboration, streamline processes, and improve user experiences through tailored SharePoint and Microsoft Teams solutions.

Contact us or book a free intranet demo to learn more about our intranet consulting services and custom Microsoft SharePoint products.